Sell with Confidence
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Set to Sell

Setting Your Property Up For Success When Selling

Here are a few things to chat about before the first open inspection of your home
  • Confirmation of why you’re selling your property
  • Creation of a WhatsApp Group so we can keep in touch as a group more easily
  • Frequency of communication & who I’m calling to give updates
  • Complete transparency with all buyer feedback; good, bad or indifferent
  • The importance of price feedback from buyers
  • Refer all enquiries to me; this means buyers who may approach you privately. You hired me to negotiate for you!
  • Full set of keys and access to the property
Booking important meetings now
  • Our first weekend’s open inspection catch-up to discuss how the open home went
  • Second Saturday open inspection catch-up; a pivotal weekend
  • Auction strategy meeting on the Thursday before the Auction at our office
Showtime – Presentation is important!
  • Exceptional presentation, smell, look, sound, de-personalisation, lawns mowed, gardens neat and property temperature smart
  • First impressions are lasting! It’s imperative that you assist me by getting the home ready to sell
  • If your home is not presented at its best, buyers will use this against you later to bring your price down!
Open inspections
  • Displaying of open inspection times
  • Avoiding private viewings; focus on competitive public open inspections
  • Midweek open inspections and how we structure those
  • What a buyer must provide to enter the property
  • Post-open inspection text message aka “Shaking The Tree”
  • Our call back system and how we handle enquiry for your property
Importance of feedback from open inspections & indicators of interest
  • Open inspection feedback reports
  • Understanding possible feedback buyer feedback; what will they like & dislike?
  • What do we think possible negative feedback may be about your property
  • How will we know when someone is interested in your property?
What is the market doing currently?
  • Buyers are submitting offers lower than vendor expectations 9 times out of 10
  • Certain properties and price ranges are performing well, with others requiring early price adjustments
  • Buyers are very discerning and are no longer offering well over the range and negotiating
How are we priced in comparison to the market sales?
  • Is the price guide at the right level to create competitive tension?
  • Do we think we may need to adjust our price to attract the right attention?
  • If your property is priced above the market comparables, buyers will not attend open inspections & will use it to bring your price down!
What do we do if we’re not attracting the right attention?
  • Organise a face-to-face meeting at the end of the first week to review how the campaign has performed so far
  • Make a proactive and considered change to the price to ensure the campaign remains on track
  • Remember; the most engaged interest for your property is likely to occur in the first 7-14 days! This is our time to capture the interested buyer and get the best offer we can!
Offers for your property
  • Offers in the first week of the campaign, and what do we do with those?
  • Is it important to accept a great offer after the first weekend vs waiting and what can happen to the interest?
  • Offers at the close of the campaign
  • Offers later in the campaign and how to handle those
The numbers don’t lie
  • How do we know if your property sale is on track by the numbers?
  • What should we expect week by week with the numbers?